NYC Was, Is, and Will Always Be A Film and TV Town!

Eastern Effects sponsored the Museum of the City of New York’s industry discussion, “NYC Ultimate Backdrop of Lead Character?” and reception inspired by the Museum’s 16-screen immersive, You Are Here. The Museum’s President, Stephanie Wilchfort and MoME Commissioner Pat Swinney Kaufman opened the program up at 1220 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Jill Goldsmith of Deadline led a lively, fun, and educational conversation with Thavary Krouch, Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Media & Entertainment; Paul Kramer, Location Manager; Teodoro Maniaci, Director of Photography; Xan Parker, Documentary producer and You Are Here producer; and Bob Shaw, Production Designer.
It was very clear that NYC was, is, and will always be, a Film and TV town! With the Museum’s auditorium filled with colleagues and friends, it was great to see so many old faces and also meet new ones.
The evening concluded with a screening of the Museum’s 16-screen film immersive, You Are Here, which encompasses more than 400 films from the last 100 years thematically cut into 20 minutes. When we say it is not to be missed, it is not to be missed! Learn more at